Solfins tim za SolidCAM implementacije otputovao je u Izrael na redovnu godišnju konferenciju SolidCAM partnera.
Plan puta
Tel Aviv i Jerusalim
Solfins tim je posetio dve važne stanice i dva velika događaja u Izraelnu:
Tel Aviv 25. i 26. oktobra SolidCAM Worldwide konferenciju za partnere
Jerusalim 27. i 28. oktobra
Agenda i fotografije sa konferencije
Solfins tim - štreberski u prvom redu
danijel Đurica - SolidCAM globalna podrška iz Srbije
Dan 1 - 25. oktobar
SolidCAM Present & Future: The Solid Platform for Manufacturing (Emil Somekh)
SolidCAM 2022 session
Associative Coordinate system & shared positionbetween Coordinate systems (Sidney Eisner)
Toolkit & MCO new functionalities (Daniel Djurica)
Turbo HSR/HSM & Sim5X new functionalities (Amod Onkar)
SolidCAM New Setup Sheet and Web Configurator (Milan Gligorijevic, Stanislav Vavrik)
iMachining Session
Mastering iMachining sales – the way to sell iMachining to every new and existing customer! (Ken Merritt & Steve Welch)
Machining Panel – Why you never stop to promote iMachining (Amod Onkar, Chris Calderone, Michael Leditzky)
Machining for NX (Chris Calderone, Michael Leditzky)
Partnership Session
Partnerships Panel – Partners: major generators of high quality leads & stronger branding
Advanced Mill-Turn & Swiss session
Selling SolidCAM Advanced Mill-Turn & Swiss-type (Gordon Drysdale)
Explaining Swiss machines kinematics and use to sales staffIvan Cimr
SolidCAM Multi-Channel Mill-Turn solution (Marina Vilkina)
SolidCAM Swiss-type solution (Daniel Djurica)
dan 2 - 26. oktobar
Powerfully Drive Sales #1
Powerful SolidCAM Demo - an excellent demonst-ration is the way to close the deal fast and sure! (Herve Philibien)
Evaluation Panel: Leveraging Evaluation Trial Licenses for good leads (Shaun Mymudes, Michael Leditzky)
Cross-upgrade selling – Sharing the US team vast experience in other CAM systems replacementShaun Mymudes
SolidCAM successes against competitorsEmil Somekh
Powerfully Drive Sales #2
Lead management - the main driver of our sales! (Natalie Somekh)
Subscription Renewal & Recapture special sales process (Shelly Dahan)
Building your Sales and Technical SolidCAM Dream Team! (Natalie Somekh)
Successfully reaching your sales targets! (Anuj Bhandari)
Solid Platform extra modules session
Shop Floor Editor (SimulatorZvika Friedman)
SolidMetal Marketplace (David Somekh)
Post Processors Session
Post Panel: Post processor data base (Daniel Djurica, Michael Leditzky)
Pre and after-sales Post Processor activities (Mladen Otasevic, Vukasin Nikolic)
Post processor Wizard (Lucas Cerny)
Toolkit Session
Toolkit major advantages (Michael Vinetsky)
Sim5X Session
Sim5x in SolidCAM vs Hypermill! (Amod Onkar)
Selling Sim5X different packages (Amod Onkar)
AFRM session
Power of Hole Wizard & AFRM functions (Ken Merritt)
SolidCAM2023 session
Sneak Peak into SolidCAM2023 (Michael Vinetsky, Daniel Djurica)