Od prve verzije SolidWorks softvera, davne 1995. godine, do danas (2018), bilo je preko 7.000 unapređenja u softveru, kako bi postao najbolje CAD rešenje na tržištu.
Svake jeseni izlazi nova verzija SolidWorks softvera sa stotinama unapređenja i novih alata, od čega većinu čine rešenja koja su razvijena na zahtev samih korisnika te čine konkretno unapređenje brzine rada i jednostavnosti korišćenja.
Ipak, zbog velikog broja noviteta svake godine, korisnici neke zgodne alate mogu da propuste, ili zbog fokusa na drugim funkcionalnostima softvera ili zbog toga što im licence nisu na održavanju pa propuštaju da prate razvoj softvera dok ostaju sa zastarelim verzijama.
Napomena: listu zadržavamo na engleskom jeziku kako biste sve funkcionalnosti lakše pronašli u svom SolidWorks-u. Uz svaki novitet imate i godinu kada je uveden u softver.
40 noviteta u 10 godina
SolidWorks verzije 2007-2017
User Interface
Instant 3D (2008): Dynamically drag and make changes to features
View Triad (2009): An effective way to maneuver around your design in 3D space
View Selector (2013): Spacebar on keyboard to easily navigate and orient your models
Shortcut Bar (2009): “S” key on the keyboard offers quick access to custom tools
Magnifying Glass (2009): “G” key on keyboard to zoom independently to areas
Hide/Show All (2017): The easiest way to hide or show your components
Breadcrumbs (2016): “D” key on keyboard to see a feature’s hierarchy and easily make changes
Command Search (2012): Instantly find anything
Filter Bar (2010): Filters down the Feature Tree and graphics window
Shaded Contours (2017): Easily identify closed contours with added drag and drop functionality
Negative & Zero Dimensions (2009): Changes an entity’s orientation
Slot Tool (2009): 4 different slot options for easy sketching
Make Path (2014): Combine sketch entities and drive lengths
Sketch Relations to Point (2015): Save time and easily add relations to entities at a common vertex
Midpoint Line (2015): Automated tool for midpoint line sketches
Link Text to Properties (2010): Link sketch text to properties such as part number, weight, and description
Segment Sketch (2015): Break up a sketch into segment for equal spacing for things like bolt circles
Exchangeable Chamfers & Fillets (2017): Turn an existing chamfer into a fillet
Conic Fillets (2014): A fillet that holds a conic rho value for curvature
Curvature Continuous Fillets (2016): A fillet that uses a hold line to control curvature
Revolve End Conditions (2011): End conditions to easily define revolved features
Reference Planes (2010): Easily add useful planes based on references
Zonal Section Views (2015): A section view type that easily conveys your designs
Transparent Section Views (2017): Convey even more details clearly with this section view type
Tab to Hide Components (2012): Instantly hide or show components with the tab key
Assembly Level BOMs (2009): A BOM that can be shown on an assembly removing the need to switch between the assembly and drawing to work with a BOM
Hole Alignment (2008): A tool that checks to make sure holes are lined up
Assembly Visualization (2010): An easy way to visualize and interrogate your assemblies
Configuration Selector (2010): A drop down menu for quick access to change configurations
Component Preview Window (2016): Work on a part in its own window separate from the assembly
Change Highlight (2012): Compare your drawing against the last saved version to understand differences
Multi-Leaders (2007): With a quick “Control & Drag” you can add multi-leaders to your drawings
Dimension Palette (2010): An intuitive interface to easily add complex dimensions to drawings
Bent Leaders / Jog Lines (2008): Right mouse click a leader to add bent or jog leaders
Title Block Wizard (2009): An easy way to create or edit your custom title blocks
Drag / Drop Annotations (2010): Drag annotations into dimensions and lists and also from the design library
Parametric Notes (2008): Add links to dimensions, notes, balloons, etc, with auto-update capabilities
BOMs 2.0 (2010): This year came with several BOM enhancements such as: add row for extra items, drag to reorder, view parts, and drag to separate sheets
Magnetic Lines (2012): An easy way to clean up and organize your drawings
Watermarks (2016): Added security to your drawings